
Remote diagnostics for vehicles at any distance.

Our tool makes it possible to perform remote diagnostics for vehicles at any distance

Why choose OBD-Bridge?

We provide remote assistance at any distance, with a high quality standard.
All our experts are experienced technicians and will provide you with the service you need.

No hidden fees. No subscription. No expensive equipment. No surprises.

Peform remote diagnostics
No complicated software or updates
Most advanced interface
High quality and fast worldwide service

These are our features.

Advanced diagnostics

Can’t solve the issue? Why not connect the OBD-Bridge and get a second opinion from our experienced diagnostic technician.

Dealer level programming

Tow bars, new or used ECU’s, Cas modules, apple carplay, you name it, we have the facility to program them into the vehicle you’re performing on .

Component protection

Today’s control devices are protected with theft protection. If a second-hand part is installed, it must be verified and granted permission first.

ECU flashing

Coming soon..

A breakout box so you can safely read and write everything you need.
such as pin code, cs bites, vin, flash, even updates.

Online coding

No more having to make appointments with the dealer. The workshop no longer has to be left.

More advanced workplace for your customers.

Key programming

If you are a locksmith for cars and want to program the keys you provide, then OBD-Bridge is here to help you with preparing a dealer key and learning it to the car.

OBD-Bridge multitool is the most advanced interface on the market